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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Visitors commended for life saving measures on pilot


Elizabeth Gonzales
3 days ago

Eliz­a­beth Gon­za­les

Chief Sec­re­tary Far­ley Au­gus­tine and As­sis­tant Sec­re­tary Son­ny Craig have com­mend­ed Sarah Perrson of Swe­den and An­na Hospedales of Cana­da for their brav­ery in sav­ing the life of a St Joseph pi­lot af­ter an in­ci­dent at Pi­geon Point Her­itage Park last Sat­ur­day.

Caribbean Air­lines First Of­fi­cer Chris­ton Bat­ters­by got in­to dif­fi­cul­ty in the wa­ter af­ter div­ing off the Pi­geon Point Jet­ty around mid­day. He struck his head on an un­known ob­ject, lost con­scious­ness, and friends pulled him to shore. One of the two vis­i­tors per­formed CPR un­til emer­gency of­fi­cers ar­rived.

Doc­tors lat­er con­firmed Bat­ters­by had bro­ken his neck in two places and suf­fered spinal cord in­juries. He un­der­went surgery and is now re­cov­er­ing well.

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